
40 Days


10-05-2017, 04:22 PM
Navigation: Ardens Glacies

He'd made it to land a few days ago, though where he was he had no clue. The male was on the far side of the island, opposite the mainland. He'd yet to discover that part, but he would soon enough. The cross marked male wandered aimlessly around the coast, occasionally altering his course inland, but it was usually just to keep away from the elements that plagued the outer rim. His coat smelled of the sea long dried into him from his swim here. He'd been thrown into the unforgiving ocean not too long ago, his enemies hoping he'd succumb to the ocean. But he hadn't. Something in him drove him to survive, and he was.

Blue eyes searched about, looking for a place to rest before night caught up. He never stayed in the same place twice, fearing those who might be after him. The evening sky began to turn orange, casting dim shadows across the ground all around him like claws seeking to take hold of him. Tired, the male stopped where he was and stared out over the ocean. Where would life take him now? His family was...gone. And it was a hard thing to think about now.