
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
10-06-2017, 11:37 AM

Justice's mouth writhed into a snarl of disgust as her opponent backed away, whining some drivel about revenge. The yearling tossed her head tauntingly to the female. "Interfere with me again, bitch," she mocked the older female's tone, "and I'll make sure you won't be walking away next time. Now crawl off like a good little worm and let us real fighters get back to kicking your pack's asses."

Making a rude gesture before turning her attention away from the woman slinking off into the brush, Justice pressed her face firmly against her foreleg despite the pain in her wound, letting the pressure stop the bleeding so the wound could begin to seal itself. She ignored the chaos swirling around her for the moment - after all, she couldn't do much good in another fight blinded by blood. So she missed Regulus' ironic gestures toward Dragon, missed her asshole of a cousin going after Valor. Hell she didn't even see Valor show up. She could feel the bloodflow slow, and took the moment as she waited for it to stop to check herself over for other injuries, but found nothing more than a very minor ache in her youthful muscles from the unaccustomed violence of movement. Other than the facial wound, she had escaped unscathed from her fight with the older woman.

Finally the bleeding stopped. Justice knew, though, that if she wasn't careful it would simply break open again as soon as she tried to fight again, and fight she must. The sounds of battle still continued unabated around her, and she knew that Talis hadn't yet been driven off. Dragon had not yet paid for his treachery. She had no bandages to coat the wound with, no honey or pine sap to keep it closed, and even if she had she could not properly wrap the wound with anything without blinding that eye. She knew she would probably regret it later when she had to clean it out... but desperate times called for desperate measures. She didn't have the experience to know if it would work, but the ground had been churned to mud where she stood as claws exposed the dirt and blood was shed on it so she pressed her face carefully into the mud, packing it in and around the wound as an artificial scab. She blinked cautiously as she raised her face again, but it seemed to be working reasonably well. It wouldn't hold up completely once she started a fight, but it would hold the wound together ok for now and still let her see.

Now that her head was up, she scanned over the embattled wolves to seek out Dragon. She wasn't done with him yet, not by a long shot. His bitch's interference had only kept her occupied temporarily, but her blood was still running hot through her chest. There - there he was.

Fury flared bright in her again as she watched him take down Valor, her distance too great from them to stop it. She didn't know what the stakes had been in the fight, didn't know that her brother's loss meant he was a prisoner of Talis now - but she did know that here despite all of Dragon's attempts to protest his innocence, here was obvious, glaring proof of his treachery against his own family. He knew Valor was his cousin, knew all that had happened to him and what he was going through, yet he attacked him and fought anyway. Some loyalty.

A snarl ripped free from her chest. She knew she should be more cautious - he was after all six inches taller than her - but she would not sit back and let anyone else try to take the Talis alpha down, not again. Regulus had been larger than Dragon, and he'd already failed. She would not.


Without a thought, she leaped forward.

At a sprint, her path curved slightly in an attempt to bring her completely behind Dragon, so that she would be squarely facing his rump. Perhaps not the most pleasant of places to face, but it would be an advantage for her as the smaller wolf if he could not see her attack or ward it off. As she ran she dropped naturally into a fight stance. Her ears pinned back to her skull, and her eyes narrowed (and the tug on her recent wound certainly served as a reminder of why she should do that) and with every step her head bobbed and tail swept out near the level of her spine for balance. Every step saw her wide-spread paws flexing to dig her claws in, propelling her forward with greater power. Her body had dropped nearly to a crouch to lower her center of gravity, so she skimmed neatly over the ground with her joints kept loose for freer movement. Each step she deftly adjusted her weight to keep it centered and evenly distributed over the paws that remained on the ground. Her back rounded upwards in a convex arch to bring her hindquarters further beneath her, adding to her balance and strength for each stride. Her dark hackles had never quite gone down after her fight with Fern, but they had once more bristled to their full length, confusing her compact outline.

Jutting her right shoulder forward, Justice sought viciously to drive the hard point into Dragon's testicles at full speed in an attempt to rupture the tender orbs and incapacitate the alpha with pain. Years of living with brothers showed Justice how protective boys could get about those little globes, and accidental discovery while hunting had taught her that severe blunt trauma to the male external genitalia could actually rupture them, so she took a certain grim satisfaction from the possibility. Not quite enough satisfaction to be content with just damaging his ability to fill some idiot with his traitor pups, though, even if the idea of actually needing to use her teeth to remove them wasn't so... ew. No, he would not get away so easily as that. She'd be removing something much more important to his ability to betray them again...

But since she was back here anyway, she might as well do as much damage as possible.

Gathering her hindquarters beneath her, she attempted to slam the rest of the front of her chest into the hamstring tendons where they connected to the muscles in the back of his left leg, hoping to cause them to contract into a painful knot - a charlie horse, if you will. Not needing her weight on that leg to do so, she simultaneously shifted off her left foreleg to attempt to wrap the left foreleg around the front of his left hind hock in an attempt to jerk it towards her.

Turning her head towards her right at the same time, Justice reached at the slight upward angle required by their differences in height and attempted to snap her jaws around his tail several inches from the base. She aimed at it from the left side, seeking to slide her lower jaw beneath it and her upper jaw over it in order to crunch down on the relatively thin flesh and bone beneath the fluff of fur. She hoped to scissor her teeth between the vertebrae and severe it completely, or to perhaps crack the small bones between her jaws if she missed. Opening her jaws wrinkled the skin on her face enough that the fresh wound stung, but discounting the fur the tail was small enough that she wouldn't have to spread her jaws widely enough to risk reopening the wound. Not yet, anyway...

JUSTICE vs DRAGON for MAIM (complete blinding)
Round 1/?
Height 33"
Build Heavy