
Blank Space



2 Years
Extra large
10-07-2017, 12:08 AM

Rory didn't have to sit for too long before his thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of someone approaching. It was really just the swishing of paws through the lush grasses by the lake, but it was enough. He'd gotten pretty good at being able to tell what animal was what just by the way they walked. It was one of the things his mother had taught him before she'd left on her journey. After all he had to be able to hear a wolf approaching when he was patrolling.

His head swung to gaze at the stranger and bi-colored gaze took in every detail of his current company. It was the other male's eyes that fully caught his attention. He'd never seen a blind wolf before, but it was obviously that he was judging by his pupils. Rory couldn't help but feel pity for the male - what was it like to live life without sight?

His thoughts were once more distracted as the other man spoke. He was kind of surprised by how polite the other wolf was, but he overcame it quickly. "No, not at all." He smiled absentmindedly without really remembering the wolf wouldn't see it. "You're free to join me, I was just enjoying the lake." Well, sort of enjoying it considering he'd only dipped his front paws in.

Once more his attention was diverted as another wolf came stumbling in. For a moment she thought this one was blind too considering he nearly tripped over the brown one, but upon closer inspection he found this one's eyes to appear normal. Maybe he was just clumsy? This one didn't speak though and instead seemed to be rather interested in the first wolf. He watched the pair for a moment before figuring he might as well introduce himself. "My name's Rory. It's nice to meet you, both of you." He spoke before quickly correcting himself, despite the fact that the other wolf hadn't spoken to him yet.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]