
turn off all the lights



7 Years
07-02-2013, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 02:29 PM by Tahlia.)
Walk | Talk | Think

Mentally, Tahlia cursed. Had her front been so feeble that he would see through it so clearly and so quickly? She thought she had done well in feigning protection from her pack, that they might be capable of defending her even at a distance, but he called her bluff and proceeded to point out the flaws in her plan that she had so haphazardly thrown together. And on each account he was right. The pack hadn't a clue where she was. It hadn't crossed her mind to warn them of where she was headed, danger having not been on her mind at the time. Nor did she know anything about her potential attacker either. No name, no place of residence. It was only by chance - horrible, unjust chance - that she had even ended up here with him. What luck I must have. One husband dies on me, and now this improper suitor wishes to demean my value.

A muscle in the wolf's face jumped, catching Tahlia's attention though at first she only mistook it for a reaction to his anticipation for a fight. Being unfamiliar with fighting as she was, she didn't know what was normal or what to expect, but as it continued, and as the reactions become more pronounced, more identifiably unstable, she took a hesitant step back and then another, confused as to what was happening. Was this his own sort of method for fighting? But eventually he seemed to come back around, and with a bit of struggling he spoke a warning, a command. Go? What was this? He had changed his mind? Confusion rattled her brain as she stared at him, her golden eyes full of indecision and puzzlement. With effort, he turned from her, ordering her once again to go.

This time there was no hesitation. She was in the presence of someone not mentally stable, someone who intended to do her harm, and she was being given a chance to escape. She needed to take it. The russet and black wolf took another retreating step and cautiously turned, keeping her eyes upon him until she finally took a step away and picked up her gait into a run, hurrying away from the danger and company she had kept there on the shoreline.

-Exit Tahlia unless stopped-

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier