
Lovers Leave Chaos and Clothes [AW]



2 Years
Extra large
10-07-2017, 05:41 PM

Well crap, the cat had noticed him. His muscles tensed as he prepared to back off. As intrigued as he was with the creature, he wasn't prepared to deal with it if it wasn't entirely happy with him being so close. Before he could decide if it was friendly or upset with his presence, the sound of another approaching caught his attention. His head swung towards the noise as a smaller white wolf came towards him. Her demeanor was friendly, but he didn't relax due to the cat. He kept an ear trained on it the whole time as he eyed the female. He flashed her a friendly tail wag and was glad to see that there were such friendly canines so far away from home.

The question threw him a little off guard and he glanced towards the goats, and then the cat again, before looking back to the female. Originally he hadn't even thought about it considering he'd been on his own, but after travelling around the mountains food sounded pretty good. If she was willing to help then he was up for it. Maybe the cat would get in on the action too? He looked back towards the creature and she seemed pretty interested in the pair of wolves. He dared creep closer, making sure his footfalls were silent so he wouldn't alert the goats, and then stopped with a fair amount of distance. He'd never hunted with a different species before, but maybe it would be fun.

"Feel like a hunt?" He questioned curiously.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]