
a New Land, a New Start



2 Years
10-08-2017, 05:31 AM
A noise. What had that been? Azura slowed her pace and, ever so slowly, turned around. She scanned the woods, looking for any sign of life. It had sounded farther away, somewhere to her right and into the woods. The canine took a nervous step in its direction. She was torn between wanting to enjoy the field behind her and wanting to know if there were other wolves already living here. The sound had definitely not been a morning bird -- it was different, more like a yelp. What if someone was hurt? The lady had confidence that she would be able to help, assuming they didn't react violently when she showed her face... And assuming someone was even out there. She glanced over her shoulder at the field. It seemed to be calling her, begging her to unwrap all the discoveries waiting to happen. No. Azura took another step forward. The field could wait, right now she should focus on what really mattered. She would check to see if anyone was out there, and when she didn't find anyone, she could come right back. Fields couldn't just pick themselves and find a new place to sit, anyways. 

Making as little noise as possible, the young lady set off in what she thought was the general direction of the yelp. She was walking as swiftly as possible, wanting to get this over and done with. Azura was reminded uncomfortably of all the times she had been lured into the clutches of her childhood bully. He had often made a noise nearby, and poor innocent Azura had taken the bait almost every time, wandering right into his arms. She thought of how kind and gentle Liana had been when she returned to the cave, barely holding in her tears, wounded and frightened. Why had she left Liana? Her Aunt was possibly the one person in the world who loved her and understood her, and the snowy canine had up and gone because of a bit of emotional strain. Her Aunt would never take her back now, not after her niece abandoned her. The young lady silently cursed herself for her weakness and stupidity. She had spent the last few weeks exploring anywhere she pleased, and even went to the difficulty of getting on this isolated continent. She couldn't see how it was only now that she was regretting her fateful decision. Maybe because she was considering making this place her home, and suddenly it all felt so real. If only she hadn't been so impulsive and immature, maybe she would still be with her dear Aunt. If only she hadn't been faced with so many difficulties within her pack.

She couldn't play the 'if only' game, it was getting her nowhere and making her feel even more stupid. A defeated sigh escaped her maw, and Azura found that she was no longer paying much attention to what she had set out to do. Her gaze roamed the fall colored maples, searching again for someone, anyone, that could have made the noise. What was she even doing anymore? Did she really think that whoever was out here was friendly, let alone even a wolf? God, why was she so impulsive? The girl gave an annoyed groaned and sank into a sitting position, slightly mad at herself for coming all the way out here for nothing. In fact, she was mad at herself for everything. She felt like banging her head against a tree. What. Was. She. Thinking? Coming all the way out to a new land with no real idea of what the actual heck she was doing and just hoping that everything would turn out great and she would have a lovely life. Things, Azura knew, did not work that way. Despair and hard times came, and they stayed. She couldn't just run away from it, get a 'fresh start'. God, why was she so stupid.