
Of sinners and saints [open]



4 Years
10-09-2017, 11:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2017, 04:58 PM by Tyranis.)
OC Name: FenBen
Name: Raphael
Design: Link I might change it a bit later though

Raphael is fire made flesh, gifted with a coat the color of a furious wildfire with fur as soft and fair as smoke his fur coils in some places and moves like fine rolling waves in others. His ears are long and end in fine points like blades. The charcoal markings on his fur rise through the blazing orange like the tongues of a fire and the golden streaks in his fur shine like embers amid a blaze. Below the coal black stripes along his shoulders and stomach, his fur is steam white and covers the majority of his form. The Light Bringer is large in height although he lacks the bulk of his brother’s build. Instead his legs are long and graceful like a deer’s allowing him to sail soundlessly and effortlessly through whatever lands he comes across. The male’s eyes are deep blue like the white-hot core of a flame, where it shines brightest and burns hottest



Raphael is, for the most part, a very reserved wolf; his peaceful nature can often be soothing to others and his lighthearted demeanor is welcoming to both wolves and on occasion other animals as well. Raph prefers talking and battles of wit rather than physical fights, although with his great size he is more than capable of protecting himself.


The Light Bringer is known for his random acts of kindness, the man hates death regardless of species and can’t stand to see others in pain, both physically and emotionally. Although he isn’t a healer himself he will do what he can to comfort those in need. He respects that animals need to die so he may live and often prays to thank them for their sacrifice before he eats.


Although he is gentle and respectful Raphael is no fool. He knows that sometimes violence and death are a necessary means to a peaceful end and when the time calls for it he forgoes peace and pushes for war. He isn’t much of a fighter himself but will fight boldly and with all his effort if there is a need for it. Ultimately, he is more logical than he is kind and  will always choose what is necessary over what is morally right.


In his four years, Raphael has learned many things and met many other wolves and has, with every experience learned something new. He refers to these experiences when giving advice and for the most part the lessons he has learned in his time. He prefers to take the role of a wise advisor rather than that of a hunter or fighter, and although he sees the benefit of being a healer he is best at reading the signs in nature and navigating by the stars.

Role Play Sample:

He stepped onto the shore calmly, his large paws carrying him gently over the sand and deeper inland. He had come to this strange place, so far from home with the intent of finding his brothers- Michael and Gabriel. Gabriel’s disappearance had been alarming to The Light Bringer, although Micheal’s disappearance soon afterwards hardly came a surprise. Michael's wrath was well known to the male and the thought of Gabriel abandoning them most likely hadn’t sat well with him.

He moved further inland, surveying the plants that grew, the scents that wafted on the wind, the animals and birds that fled out of fear of him. A beautiful place really, one he wouldn’t mind staying in, but family came first and he needed to focus. He tipped his nose to the ground searching for any sign of his brothers and instead caught the scent of The Serpent. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the land before him. Lucifer was here, could he be why Gabe left? He muttered a curse and continued to move forward, blue eyes searching through the darkness for any sign of movement that didn’t come from anything non-wolf. What was going on? He needed to find Michael, for all his brutishness he had no doubt the man would be able to clue him in on what Lucifer and his spawn were doing in this strange place and how Gabe had gotten wrapped up in whatever heresy The Serpent was planning. He raised his head to the sky and cried out melodiously; Michael...

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  