
Of sinners and saints [open]



4 Years
10-10-2017, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2017, 07:33 PM by Ganta.)
OC Name: Keno
Name: Uriel Morningstar
Design: Uriel -- Medium Build -- 40"

Uriel is a beauty, an angel fallen from heaven as some may say. Her body, despite being tall, is willowy and graceful, a dancer upon her paw Her coat is fairly thick, particularly on her ruff and glorious tail. She bears a slender muzzle and short, rounded ears. While her build might suggest a moderate amount of power Uriel is more delicate than she might appear. Hers is a frame that borders medium to light, just enough so that it pushes on the medium side a tad more due to the fluffy nature of her fur and the muscles upon her legs. Her true strength however lies in her speed, wit, and loyalty rather than brute force.

Her coat is even more striking than her build, featuring colors both light and dark. Her base coat, surprisingly, is a rich cream that remains provident upon the midsection sections of her belly, shoulders, ears, face, tail, and legs. The color lights as it trails downward, going from rich cream to a lighter cream to a soft grayed tan. This duller color reaches up her paws, trailing along her belly and shoulder points. It also graces her hindquarters and undertail along with her face and lower parts of her ruff. There are parts on her face, as well as her ruff and ear tips where this color darkens to more of a charcoal gray. This gray runs along the front of her forelegs for a brief moment, upon her chest, and stretches along her back, particularly above her shoulder and her upper thighs. Finally the charcoal color trails down the top of her til where it caps the very tip of it.

The lightest part on Uriel is upon the small of her back where it is a lighter off-white color. This same shade graces her chin and rolls down to the charcoal color on her neck. To touch up on the exact markings of her face her initial mask is the rich cream, her eyes outlined by the grayed tan color. This tan reaches up towards her ears and coats their insides while their base is the rich cream. She has tan brow dots that rest above her eyes and, from them reaches a strip of charcoal gray on either side of her face towards her cheeks. The most interesting mark upon her face however is a darker patch of fur within the charcoal gray color that is outlined by a touch of the tan, almost giving the appearance of divine mark, she claims. A bit of ebony also spreads from her dark nose, marking the last of her fur with a different color.

Uriel’s eyes are soft, abright mint that shine with light and reveal the gentle soul that resides within. Her claws and pawpads are a soft ebony as well, the darkest color upon her body save for her nose and nose marking.


Uriel is a young woman who, while she starts out with a lawful neutral base can also lean towards the neutral good side of the spectrum. Uriel is, in many ways, naive and misguided, believing that the Lord Father’s word is law and above them all, that they should listen to him without question… just as Abba desires. But on the other paw the young woman yearns for the time when she and her brother were small, before Samael fell. To see one of her own siblings cast out as a sinner has taken a toll on her heart, and seeing her nieces and nephews damage her moreso. She is afraid, questioning what is right and wrong, and looking to her older siblings to help make sure she is on the right path. This feels like a dark time for her… where she is struggling to find the path back to the just and light before darkness swallows her whole.

Regardless of these mixed feelings Uriel is hard working as a Guardian for the lord, an angel descended to Heaven if there was one. Hers is a pure heart, a gentle heart, and is one who does not believe in fighting or death. No, Uriel is a pacifist, a healer, and one who is there when others need her. She is reliable and hardworking, and though she yearns for children of her own {having a tad bit of jealousy towards Samael for his} she respects her Father’s laws and does not stray from them. She is honest, and speaks her emotions freely… and is perhaps one of the more merciful of her siblings. She does not believe that Samael’s broods should have been killed, though her fear of the Lord Father kept her from opening her maw.

Bottom line Uriel is still very much like a child who wants to see the good in everyone and everything. Those who commit heinous acts such as rape and murder puzzle her, and the femme will often times argue within herself what might drive a creature to those acts and if it was done justly or not. Despite her naivety Uriel is also very soft and tender when it comes to creatures smaller than herself, almost motherly, as is seen by how she takes care of her dear companion, an albino mourning dove by the name of Shri.

Role Play Sample:

It was with a furrowed brow that young Uriel looked to her small companion Shri. How long had it been since Samael had fallen? She had not spoken his name aloud since that day, hesitant to refer to him as Lucifer herself. What he had done was wrong in the eyes of their Lord Father, and sure, even questionable in her own eyes, but at the same time he was still her brother. He was her flesh and blood… could she fault him for his shortcomings? Even now she felt those mixed feelings of uncertainty rising… Her ears flicked back and minty eyes flicked towards the sky, whispering softly to herself. “Oh mighty Lord Father… I am lost. I know what it is you wish… but… I…” She trailed off and let out a sigh before closing her eyes.

Shri had been with Uriel for a long time; since the girl was about a year old. She knew her pains, her sadness, and took it on as her own. The mourning dove canted her head to the side, a shrill voice speaking up. “You have doubts in the Lord, don’t you?” Shri asked softly, gently, knowing the delicate subject that she was about to wing over with her dear sister.

Uriel’s eyes snapped open. “W-what?! N-no! No! Don’t be ridiculous Shri. Our Lord Father’s word is law… it… it will be done. It’s just... I feel sadly for our brother. Sympathetic I guess you could say.” She did not meet Shri’s gaze again. “I’m just… wondering if there might be another way to purify him is all.” She spoke with a dignified tone, half trying to convince herself that what she was saying was the truth. Uriel sighed even deeper this time, her gaze focused on the horizon.

“Our Father was right in the fact our brother sinned…” Uriel bit her lip. What was she trying to say? She didn’t understand why the litters needed to be killed in order for their brother to be forgiven, to be allowed back into the light? That she partially agreed with Samael’s choice? “Is there any way to redeem him, Shri?” Both wolf and dove fell silent for a long, long moment. It was an eternal question was it not? Could darkness return to the light… if light could fall to darkness?


--15 to 18 Wingspan--
Wingspan for Dove