
Glaciem Meeting



07-02-2013, 02:57 PM

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The brute trailed behind his lover and the horde of pups that followed her. She was upset and she had every right to be. It was her brother who had been overthrown. He himself was upset, but for his own selfish reasons. He'd been with Glaciem since it's very foundation. The pack had passed from the family Crusade had been born into. It had gone from her, to Raven, to Rogue, to Crusade again, and then to Gargoyle. The pack hadn't known any other leaders except Glaciem's founders. This wasn't going to go over well, and it wasn't. He was furious. Furious that there was a possibility that this chick thought she could just take what she wanted and totally dismantle [i]their[i] family. He wouldn't allow it. Not easily at least.

He stalked with careful steps working to contain his anger. He paused for a moment, letting the others approach the russet fae larger than even he was. It seemed as though Awaken and Crusade were the only ones to say things. their statements were surely justified. They would still be united under Gargoyle if anything, though for now he'd listen to what the girl had to say. He was getting too old to be jumping into fights. Regardless, she was ruining the family he'd struggled for eight years to have. He wasn't going to let this pass without some words.

"I think we'd all like to know your plans. I've been here since the packs beginning, long before the exodus, back longer before that. Four years I've been here. Seen many changes. I'll be damned if a girl who's barely reached adulthood ruins anything that's been established."

His voice was steady and liquid green pools looked at her with a passion in his eyes. A fire for his pack. Other than that the stoic look had returned. She was a stranger, and other than the words he spoke he would remain level headed and wouldn't push her to the point of a fight. Not in the very beginning. Not until she had explained herself.
