
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-12-2017, 05:53 AM
Using Fight Pass

Valor went down. And just before hitting the ground, Dragon would untangle himself from his cousin, panting heavily. He was getting a bit tired from having fought twice now, but his adrenaline was still pumping. Kimahri stood before him, green gaze flashing as his hackles were up and a hiss sounded from the big cat. Dragon wanted to say something to his cousin, but was cut off when Kimahri suddenly rushed to move behind him. Confused for a moment, he suddenly remembered that this wasn't over yet. Just as he turned around, he spotted Justice charging towards him, mud caked on her face and a ferocity in her eyes just like before. It seemed she still sought to wanna tear him apart, and while he didn't blame her for that today, a part of him couldn't help but feel sorry. He wasn't doing this to hurt them, not with what they were all going through. He was doing it because it was for the survival of his pack, though of course some others wouldn't see it that way. Now that he was to take Valor back home with them, he only hoped his younger cousin would listen when they got back. Now wasn't the time to think about that though. He promptly glanced at Valor, a swirl of emotions in his gaze, "Get out of here! There are healers in the moore next territory over!" Whether Valor listened or not was beyond him, but he hoped he did. At least so his cousin could get treated before taking the journey home after this.

Returning his attention to the fight coming his way, he ensured his defenses were set back up. His ears pinned securely and tightly to his skull, eyes narrowed to dark green slits. Hackles raised up along his spine, tail flagged out to align with his spine while his head lowered and chin tucked protectively over his throat. Shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunching defensively and his joints loosened as he lowered himself slightly, weight evenly distributed. He was ready...more or less. She probably didn't believe him when he told her what he did in their previous fight, but regardless, there was no stopping it now. They were in too deep at this point, and unless he called the remaining members together to pull out, it would be his pride and probably theirs that would keep him from doing so. They were already in this far, and win or lose, they'd see it through to the end.

After turning around to face the oncoming she-wolf, Dragon launched himself forward, the male a couple of yards behind his companion who sought to intercept Justice's onslaught. Kimahri aimed to launch himself at Justice head on and slightly to his own right, seeking to slap her in the face with one large right paw the moment he got close enough. Claws out, the jaguar aimed to slap the whole left side of Justice's head, seeking to slice open skin and potentially disorient her should he hit his mark. Thanks to his interception, Kimahri took the brunt of her attacks. Her right shoulder would collide with his chest, just off center towards his upper left side. Her teeth would score air (since Kimahri was quite a bit shorter than Justice). Meanwhile, Dragon attempted to bound past him, aiming to come in towards Justice's left side towards her shoulder. Thanks to Kimahri's interception, he was able to avoid her attacks and remain unscathed...for now, at least. Dragon lowered himself closer to her height, legs bending further to bring him closer to the ground. He would seek to slam his chest straight into her left shoulder while simultaneously jutting his right shoulder forward as he sought to ram that right into Justice's left side right behind her left foreleg (behind her elbow where it was softer), hoping it would make more of an impact and potentially drive the wind from her. And with his heavier bulk, maybe even knock her over.

Simultaneously, the earthen male would raise his left forepaw, weight redistributing to his other grounded limbs as he sought to reach for her left forepaw, aiming to hook his paw around hers and yank it towards him, a further attempt to unbalance her in his efforts to knock her over. With the adrenaline coursing through him, and his heart pounding hard and fast and blood roaring in his ears, he wanted to end this as quickly as possible. His head would swing slightly to his left, jaws parted as he aimed to land a bite right on the back of her head (just behind/below her ears). Top jaw sought to grip the far side (her right side) and bottom jaw sought a grip on her left side (closest to him). He wanted to gain a solid and piercing grip over the back of her head to potentially restrict her movement and gain control of her.

Dragon VS Justice for: CLAIM
Round: 1/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.