
Pssst This Way!



6 Years
10-12-2017, 04:46 PM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

She had trailed behind Arke and the others as the left. Nox remained with her and watched the silver healer curiously, but the odd pair said nothing as they walked. As they had traveled towards Celestial she'd managed to gather some fresher herbs along the way. She'd also managed to store some before the drought, but the supply was meager at best. The northern continent had at least had a better array of plants to choose from. Overall she hoped that what she had gathered was enough to handle the wounds they'd come back with. She'd never been in a raid, or seen the aftermath, so she felt unprepared for it.

Finally she'd caught up to the rest of them. Both her and Nox set down their bundles of herbs near Arke and Avalon and Armai sat down to wait. Gray tipped ears flicked back and forth nervously and she felt as though a hard knot had formed in her her stomach. She remained silent and it wasn't long before howls split into the air in the distance and the sounds of battle broke out. Well, it had begun, but who would win?

Eventually one wolf came back and she was disappointed to smell a fair bit of blood. Judging from the scent his wounds didn't seem to be as bad so she decided to sit back and see if Arke could handle it. Another Talis wolf came behind him and her scent seemed to be a bit more heavy with blood so she rose to her feet and took her bundle with her. She padded over to Fern and sniffed around the woman for a moment to locate where the bleeding was coming from. It took her a moment to realize it was coming from her face.

Already she was pulling out some horsetail from her rolled up leaf bundle and began to chew. She didn't have a whole lot for pain relief, but she'd managed to find some wintergreen on the way so she chewed that up too until it made a nice paste. She spat it onto her paw and waited for a moment before she tried applying it to Fern's face. "You need to make sure not to scratch at your face or get dirt in it so you'll want to clean it daily and let me put a new poultice on it when we get home. After that come back daily until it scabs over." She instructed in a stern tone. She wasn't going to have wounds become infected just because anyone thought they didn't need to take their injuries seriously. "Do you have any other wounds that need bandaged?" She questioned.

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.