
This House Is Not A Home



7 Years
Extra large
10-12-2017, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:25 AM by Torin.)


"Nonsense. Come here." Torin simply stood there, staring like a deer in the headlights. He wasn't used to strangers acting this way... his sisters teased him sometimes of course but they were family and even despite his preference for solitude he felt they were decently close... but this girl? He didn't even know her name! She had moved away from him and for a moment the boy considered just leaving but she was already turning around again.

She gestured for him to move towards her and lay down and he just blinked dumbly at her. "I-" But the rest of his protest died in his throat as she slid up next to him and began to gently nudge him. He stared at her for a second, then with no grace whatsoever he awkwardly lowered himself onto his side, feeling his muscles protest as he did so. He grimaced as he got himself settled but said nothing.

She began to work over him and as she put pressure on his sore spots a sharp intake of breath, through clenched teeth, would be the only sound he'd make. It seemed likely she'd not be inclined to listen to him even if he did ask her to stop so he saved his breath... as he so often did. Finally she seemed to be done and the boy watched her with some level of anticipation. Thus far he had allowed her to call all the shots and he wasn't quite sure what to do now.

After some... a lot of laughter she finally returned her name. He swallowed hard, turning his gaze away from her again. "Thanks." He mumbled, deep voice soft as a whisper. "S'a nice name." What a stupid thing to say! He screwed his eyes closed and repressed a groan, normally the boy thought decently highly of himself; but right here, right now, he felt very much like an idiot.

Original Coding by Shelby