
Emperor's New Clothes [Pack Meeting]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-13-2017, 02:35 AM
Beware, Beware, Be Skeptical

Their Smiles, Their Smiles of Plated Gold

He was late, though the male didn't particularly care if he was or not. The bruises on him felt sore, the puncture wound and small cuts he had gotten didn't bother him too much. He had taken it upon himself to clean his own wounds, not really bothering to see a healer since he didn't feel his wounds were severe enough to warrant a visit. He had felt accomplished with his work at the raid, his chest swelling with pride at what he'd done. He didn't blind just one bitch, but two. Though had the other woman not interfered with his revenge on the rainbow bitch, then she would still be walking around and enjoying her view...but no. She had to interfere, and she paid the price for that. Greed didn't care who it was, anyone who had interfered would have met the same grim fate. Did he regret it? No. Did his alpha tell him to do that? No. Did his alpha know at the time? Course not. In fact, nobody knew until after he had left and waited for the rest of the party. He had kept the bitches orbs as a trophy, and now they floated in an old bottle he found washed up on the Bifrost. Every time he went to his den, he couldn't help but look at them and feel a grim satisfaction at what he'd done. He had won. He had made his enemy suffer, and not only that but he had taken from them what was valuable. In his mind at the time, the friend of his enemy would also be his enemy. And that's what that second she-wolf was during that whole ordeal.

Stalking into the meeting spot with head held high and his chest puffed out with pride, he noticed Ramsay hadn't shown up yet. He hadn't gotten the chance to ask him how his fight(s) went, so he wondered if his brother would show up today. He didn't know what Dragon had in store, but whatever the case, Greed would sit near the back and wait.

Deceit So Natural

But A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Is More Than A Warning!


Art||Plot with me!

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