
Mind Your Elders [Abraxas]



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-14-2017, 01:22 PM

She paced the length of her den. Many were absent throughout the seasons but she did not fear for that. No. Thoughts of the varility of the family had been passing through her head. There were so few children born now and the ones that had been born she feared would not be war ready when it was needed. She herself had yet to conceive but there was little problem with that. She was not just going to breed with any mortal. No she wanted a spirit or another god. That was her condition for herself to bed another. She'd yet to see one so she questioned if her cousin had lied to her.

The sound of a summons rose and she shot a look to the den entrance. Her eyes looked to the pelt then that graced her bed. A glare set on her features. Perhaps Amon had finally decided what he would do about that betrayal. She moved, exiting her den and watching the pass. She had set herself up where she had a good view of the easiest to traverse entrance. Not that it was easy exactly but it was the most pleasant way down. Of course she knew a not so pleasant way for the mortals that would try and she quite enjoyed the thought of watching one splat at the bottom after tumbling down.

She pressed on. Moving to the gathering her cousin had called. She stopped beside Pyralis and sat. Her eyes passed to her second cousin and she gave the boy a smile then looked to Amon. She lifted a brow. Then to pyr she dipped her head.

Walk, "Talk", Think