
Keep Your Heart Off Your Sleeves [Malleus and Seth]



4 Years
Extra small

Trick 2019
10-14-2017, 03:04 PM
Well this was unusual.

An unfamiliar voice was calling out for him and his cousin Malleus both, and unfamiliar meant unrelated, because self-preservation had long ago dictated that Seth learn what all his relatives sounded like just in case. Low-man-on-the-totem-pole could not afford to be lackadaisical about showing up when they were called by an Abraxas, after all, and there were many of his blood who would be more than happy to punish him for any perceived disrespect, and others who would gladly end his existence entirely on the slightest excuse.

This was not one of them.

As such, he took a moment to consider exerting himself as he rarely did, and simply ignoring the summons. After all, he thought to himself with a cynical quirk to his thick muzzle, wasn't he supposed to be a godling? The least and lowliest, surely, had to be worth more than someone who was not even that. But curiosity drove him to his paws and out of his den, to meander down the canyon until he came upon the origin of the call, whereupon he tilted his head to the side and studied the woman seated there with his most pleasant, open, guileless expression. "Why, good morning," he simpered with as friendly a manner as he could summon, a thing of considerable ease for a creature who could pass as a child without difficulty. "Is there something I can do for you?" He beamed at her as though the grey-toned female were the most fetching and important creature in all the world to him, his best and closest friend in fact.

As Pyralis' slave she was undoubtedly off-limits to any... dedicated manipulation, but no one could fault him for taking the opportunity to charm her. Just in case.