



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-02-2013, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2013, 04:01 PM by Epiphron.)

It was not terribly abnormal to wake up by herself in the den she shared with Maverick, but she usually found him nearby. Often if he went far, he would nuzzle her awake, as though he couldn't bear a moment without her company. And she, too, felt wrong being without his presence for long. Maverick, quite simply, completed her, in a way she never knew was possible. Curiosity brought her further from the den, her paws carrying her slender form away from familiarity. She was not uncomfortable being alone; no, she would never be fully dependent on another. But Epiphron Adravendi knew she did need to adapt to life here, and spend time with members of Seracia when not in her husband's presence. So they would grow to trust her, fully, not merely as a wife to their Prince.

The sight of Kamala brought a genuine smile to her face, tail waving proudly behind her back. Her sister-in-law seemed a decent woman, but she hadn't gotten to speak to her alone yet; in fact, she hadn't given her much more than a few glances. Epiphron's blue gaze wandered over her red markings, hoping desperately she was nothing like their other sibling that she'd had the misfortune of meeting.

"Kamala, it is a pleasure to see my sister-in-law," she greeted her with a smile, head dipping in respect. She truly did want to get to know Kamala, for regardless of the fact that Kamala was merely family by marriage, she was still family. Epiphron didn't know entirely how Seracia functioned, but despite the indisputable knowledge that their beliefs would grow on her, family still was more important to her than nearly everything else. It was strange, though, as she gazed at this woman -- who was nearly her age, and no less lovely -- to realize she would soon rule above her. She could only hope she was not envious, nor spiteful in any way. How could she not be, though, she wondered? Perhaps Kamala was far more humble than she could ever envision being. "How goes it on this fine spring morning?" Ears swiveled atop her skull, eagerly awaiting her answer.

(Hope you're okay with me assuming it's spring. :D)