



07-02-2013, 04:03 PM

She had gone fucking crazy. Everything in her brain was jumbled around into a hot mess, nothing made sense anymore to the once regal queen. At first the damage to her brain had been minimal. She had lost her memory, and in time she hoped it would return; and it had. Everything that had happened came back to her. Their marriage, their children, her time as a queen, and of course, their divorce. Everything inside her had turned bitter, disgusted, and her mind had become clouded with rage every time the memories haunted her; and they did, almost everyday. Her time in Valhalla had been short, because once her mind had begun to go, she left to live her life in solitude. She started hearing voices in her head, mostly Gerhardt's and her fathers, taunting her every move, her every breath. Her heart beat became an annoyance inside her mind, and on more than once occasion she had attempted to stop it. Scars littered the woman's body from her attempts, and the delirious adventures she went on daily. She saw things she would have never dreamed of seeing, she heard voices behind every rock, every tree, even just above the clouds. She could never get away from her nightmares, and at night, everything amplified. In the darkness she saw things around every corner and heard laughter and taunts everywhere she turned. She had fallen into a world of psychotic nightmares, and due to her raging thoughts she had ended up here, in the battle field, seeking everything Gerhardt had taken away from her. She pranced lightly on her toes as she trotted in circles around a rather large rock, her head lifted and tilted back as she sang for him. She would take everything he had taken from her, he would know what it felt like to have something so close and valuable suddenly ripped away from him without mercy. He would pay for what he had done.

OOC: I realize Andy is on vacation, and I have my hands full with a dm, so I give Andy as long as she needs between posting. I wish for an admin not to default this after 3 days unless either I, or Andy, asks them to. :) Also edited to put this awesome new table Lu made for me!!!