
Glaciem Meeting



Extra small
07-02-2013, 03:13 PM

OOC: [ ]

Shake the foundation! Shake it good! Watch their walls crumble! Was there anything wrong with introducing a little anarchy, no not at all, it was a delightful change of pace that syrinx was pleased with. Granted, Eos could have more cleverly taken over a pack that was closely aligned with Valhalla, but fact of the matter was the alliance would not waver and Syrinx would not be made a fool of. His gaze wandered to the queen, reine, usurper and then his eyes flickered among each of the wolves he came behind, his slick musculature climbing between each of them, daring them to look, daring them to witness what was unfolding. they would be happy in their new life, so long as they pulled his own. Silence would be demanded of them, it would be cultured and nurtured, a smile sprang over his obsidian lips and then he fell beside her- beside Eos. Words would spring to life, those of the crowd, those angry little fools, and as soon as the whelp -Awaken- spoke Syrinx would snarl, letting his command rip from his lungs, "You will obey your sovereign, she won her title fair and square," such is all he needs to say and then he digresses allowing the looming moments to take over, to come with power. It is unspoken but he claims the place of her secondary alpha, of her lover.

"we are not here to tear apart your home, merely to strengthen it, if you wish to leave take your leave now, and there will be no repercussions, if you do not leave, swear fealty to us," Two siblings dampened and darkened by the things that would come. he would offer what he could to them, he would offer them a morsel of hope, and his head would turn towards Eos, "Allow me the...politics,"The voice would not be loud enough for any other to hear an his voice would immediately ring out, "Gargoyle and his family are more than welcome to stay, we'll even grant him a rank," the rank it was would be a decision for Eos to make, though fact was syrinx had to do his best to ease the tension, otherwise there was going to be a bit of anarchy to pay. Tail whipped around him as the voice of another -Cifer- rang out and Syrinx would immediately narrow his eyes on the man.

"Your opinion amuses me. I should think an Adravendi knows how to rule, after all, we hail from kings. We'll change things as necessary, I find it that you might not think our reign to be so unbearable, we'll do as we please when we please and you'll probably have the same fate. My policy is: don't act as an idiot and I won't handle you like one," Elderly were surely present and where Eos would stand on them, he knew not, but Syrinx was allowing her the floor, making himself silent. He would not let the subordinates over run her, she had won against their alpha in the same odds he had. If she had been meant to fail, she would have, and it would have been done easily, though she hadn't and it was time at least one or two of the members before her realized that fact, sometimes the stronger option was better. They weren't going to harm anyone that held their tongue where it belonged.