
I've never seen a diamond in the flesh



11 Years
Athena I
08-06-2013, 10:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2013, 10:48 PM by Alena.)

Home. It had never been something that Alena had known. The only time that she had lived in one place had been with her parents and that hadn't ended well. Even so, Alena had found her niche here in Amenti. Her Madame gave her the space the assassin needed while still giving them the encouragement to work for the pack and do their best for the betterment of their weird, twisted family. It was a perfect fit for the violet eyed, pale fea.

Alena padded along the border of the Amenti territory, her paws as quiet as ever. Her shoulder was now fully healed, erasing any trace of a limp, though you could still see a bit of the freshly formed scar along her shoulder blade since her thick fur hadn't quite grown back over it. Thanks to Tiresias's excellent healing it had healed beautifully. Now the only thing ailing her was her slowly growing stomach. She wasn't terribly far along yet, maybe not even enough for someone that wasn't looking to notice, but the assassin knew. She could feel the change in her balance and the subtle change in her stance.

She sighed and paused under the shade of one of the many large trees that covered the Amenti territory. She really needed to speak to Medusa. She believed that was one of the rules was that she had to tell one of the leaders about any pups so that was definitely on her to do list. Besides that, she still hadn't heard about the results of the rank challenges and she had been curious about that for quite some time now. Now determined to have a meeting with her leader, she lifted her muzzle skyward, giving a call to the Amenti Madame, the howl drifting off into an echo. Letting her amethyst gaze settle back on the woods around her, she settled down to wait.
