
Nothing but a game



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
10-17-2017, 03:44 PM
The child was on the move again, a warm smile on her maw as her paws lead her across the cooling Earth. Her ears were perked, her blue eyes shining with delight as she took in each breath of cool, crisp, autumn air. Her mane kept her head warm as she wandered, though it could be a pain too, getting snagged on twigs and the like depending on where she was wandering. Today she was in the Range, a bit closer compared to where she had wandered prior. There had been a neat structure she’d passed on her way towards it. Whatever it was… was strange. Her nose twitched curiously, her head canting to one side.

It smelled funny. Looked funny… but Philly found it neat. She edges closer, pawing at the ground curiously. Even the ground was different here. Her tail began to swish back and forth the closer she drew to the barn. She could smell prey… mice. The little creatures were something that Philomena could easily catch… but something else caught her attention. Another animal she’d never seen before… or heard before. It was making noises… was it a bird? She paused, watching the chicken from a distance.

...It was going to be food.

She began to move forward, paws thudding on the earth as the large girl sprang for the creature none too quietly. Her stalking failed, and the chicken went scuttling away clucking it’s head off as Philly’s jaws snapped on open air.

“Mrr…” She sat down, feeling disappointed. Now not only was her uncle going to be disappointed she wandered off again… but she didn’t even catch the weird bird-butt.