
What the hell?



5 Years
10-17-2017, 04:54 PM
Crouched down behind a concealing shrubbery, Leto squinted dubiously at the colony of rabbits currently nibbling at the clover in front of their warren. Well, she thought they were rabbits, but they certainly looked rather... different. Spikes of some horny substance like bone followed along their spines in an inch long crest from skull to pelvis. In addition to their normal rabbit-teeth, two thin fangs trailed out either side of their wiggly little bunny mouths, vaguely reminiscent of a snake's fangs. The weirdness made her wary, and she'd been hunting the area long enough that she ought to recognize any local species by now but this was clearly new, which made her even more wary.

But they still looked like delicious, nutritious, dumb little bunnies...

She blew out her lips softly in a thoughtful noise. Well, she could set up some snares, see if she caught anything, and decide later if they were worth trying to eat? Though she was in the mood for a bit of a chase and tussle too, so maybe she'd set up the snares first and then try to chase them away from the warren and down the runs to the snares...

Backing carefully out of the shrubbery, she pulled the bundle of snare-rawhides off her back and selected one. She flipped the rest of the bundle back over her shoulders, then sniffed out a rabbit run, wrapped the loose end through a slightly raised root, and started using her clumsy paws and dull claws to work the rawhide loop through the puncture she'd bitten into the rawhide near the free end to make it into a second slip loop around the root to hold it in place. The other, already looped end with the knot tied in it that would prevent the loop from loosening it once it had tightened on a rabbit, she flipped over a low sapling branch and adjusted to the correct height. The rawhide was stiff enough to remain open in a loop by itself, so with that she was done with snare number one.

Now on to the next run, and the next snare...