
Autumn's Days Are Numbered



5 Years
10-18-2017, 12:37 PM

Leto trotted along, unencumbered by her burden of craft goods and hunting implements. She'd left them all stashed in her temporary den this time, a nook under a half-fallen dead tree, because she had no intention of hunting and had decided to sticks around the area for a while longer before she made the trek back down to the southern continent. She certainly had no intention of staying up here during the winter, no thank you. She'd prefer Auster's dry season over snow any day. Anyway, she'd had a nice bit of luck earlier in the day and had ambushed a covey of quail, most of which made for a good meal at the time and several more that she'd carefully buried under a cairn of rocks near the tree nook for later so she didn't need to worry about hunting right now, and she had a good number of snares set up in the area she was staying in so she'd have more to add to it when she went by to check on them, hopefully.

It was already getting a little chilly for someone who'd grown up in Auster like she had, but she was sticking around a while longer for one reason alone, the only reason that could possibly drag her out of her stubbornly independent, crazy loner status.


Having found Iskra again - in true Leto fashion her anger at their last meeting had already vanished as though it had never been - Leto was certain more of the Aeris lingered in the north waiting for her to find. Da? Mum? Art? Maybe even crazy Aunt Caia that she hadn't seen since Aerie. That said she had no intention of putting herself under anyone else's authority, so even if Da had remade Aerie she wouldn't be staying. Maybe she'd make them a pack though. Maybe she should anyway. If you build it, they will come. Wasn't that a phrase or something? Whatever. She wasn't really keen on the idea of tying herself down to one place and shackling herself to a group of needy wolves, though. They'd definitely need to prove that they were worth her time before she'd let someone stick around. No freeloading whiners for her.

Stopping, she eyed the low, flat boulder contemplatively, then with a stretch of her nebula-covered, sturdy body, she sprang up on top of it. Oooh yes. The dark rock surface was definitely holding whatever heat it could catch from the weak autumn sun, and while it didn't really provide a fancy lookout point or anything she would willingly forgo that benefit in order to bask in the warmth like a lizard. Settling down sphinx-like, she half closed blood red eyes and enjoyed.

- Leto