
no reflection


07-02-2013, 04:58 PM

Deteste was not surprised by Caesar's sharpness nor by his accusation. He merely stood and followed as Caesar announced his departure and led the way. One musn't trust strangers, Caesar. You may not know if they bring a storm with them. Deteste spoke and chose his words with awareness. He explained himself in a way that he believed, or rather hoped, would reach Caesar most strongly and be understood most easily. More than anything Deteste desired to be the lad's friend. But it would be unwise to invest much in something so apparently unstable. So he had only his kindness, sincere interest and company to offer to Caesar.

I was a lot like you, once. Deteste confided. A display of honesty. He liked Caesar. And he felt that he would still like Caesar if he turned and buried his teeth onto his face. Their kinship was, perhaps, a gamble. But Deteste could care less and this was not his opinion. Caesar reminded him of the past and what Deteste desired most of all was to be close to something that was so similar to that past and so alike to his core, but alive. In friendship and love and easier living Deteste had become a rather average part of life. Caesar reminded him of his true roots and a relationship with the shaggy black creature would make a more honest and authentic man of Deteste. Even if it meant digging into his darker psyche.