
Thnks fr th Mmrs



9 Years
10-19-2017, 12:28 PM

Her heart was in shambles, though she had nothing personal against Sparrow she just felt that Abaven wasn't the same since Bass had left. She did not know what to do. Vali was the only wolf left that she had any sort of relationship with. That's how it was since she had joined Abaven. Vali and Bass were the only two she had relationships with, others she only had minor interactions with. She had tried to be a mentor, but the girl she was mentoring didn't seem as interested. Storm was getting older and lately the constant feeling of anxiety and depression was making her feel miserable. She had made mistakes, including not paying enough attention to her children. She blamed herself for Tempest and Derecho's disappearance, she blamed herself for Cloud up and leaving and being dissatisfied with his life in Abaven. She had never found true love and she felt there was no chance for any more children.

She felt there was only a few more years left to her life and right now she wasn't doing anything useful. No one to train and her skills were not good for anything else. It was weighing heavily on her mind for a long time, she just was unsure of what to do. When her son's call rang throughout the territory her heart sank. She knew what it was for, he didn't tell her about leaving, but she just knew what the call was for. She felt her heart breaking, knowing that Corentine had no intentions of leaving her good friend Brandr. She was maturing a lot more then Storm had expected and knew she wouldn't leave.

Finishing up what she was doing she exited her herb den and headed off towards where the call had come from. Along the way she crossed the scents of Sparrow (which was expected) and Aranea. The girl's scent was somewhat expected since Storm had smelled it on Ty's fur, he had made a good friend and she was proud of that. Little did she know the feelings that were blooming between the two. When she arrived she moved over to Ty and wrapped him in a light embrace, her breath shakey with emotion. She then pulled back, blind motionless eyes focused in the direction of Sparrow.

"I am also requesting to leave Abaven, my Herb den will be left in stock for the pack," her voice was calm.

She had a feeling that the new alpha wouldn't care, but Storm wasn't focused on that.

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times