
Emperor's New Clothes [Pack Meeting]



7 Years
10-30-2017, 08:37 PM

The trail had grown cold and she was left frustrated, tired, and slightly hungry. She was giving up, not knowing where cousin Clay had gotten to. Her only problem now had been where to go from here which made her thoughts drift back to the alpha she had met on the shores. He had smelled heavily of other wolves, which more then likely meant a thriving pack. Being out alone hadn't been as fun as she had thought and the young women was wanting the company of others. Growing up in a large family unit you always had somebody to hang out with, but wandering around didn't have that. She was curious of the pack this male had thrived in, the one Dragon was in charge of. She was curious to know how a pack worked. She could imagine that it couldn't be too much different from back home.

For days she had spent time looking for Dragon's scent, or a scent that bore the same pack smell. It took her a while to find an old trail and from there she attempted to fallow it. It wasn't long though before s call rang out in the distance making her pause and listen. It was a call to a pack which made her ears perk. This had to be the pack Dragon ruled and to top it off there was an open invitation to it. Her tail wagged slightly before she took off towards where the howl had come from, she wanted to get there at a timely manner, but not knowing the area made it a little difficult for her. She had gotten herself a little lost in God's garden and it took her a decent amount of time to find her way out.

When she arrived she was late, getting there just in time for Dragon to once again speak. She stayed towards the back of the group, not wanting to disturb or distract anyone from hearing what Dragon had to say. Sitting, she pinned her ears forward to take in his words. Her tail lightly wagged as she looked around at all the backs of the other members. She would have to catch up with Dragon after the meeting to talk to him and learn more on the pack. She was pretty sure she was going to join, but as far as Rank she was clueless about them. The ceremonies and things sounded awesome on her personal opinion and it made her excited to learn more.

"Speech" & "Think'