
All That Remains [Pack Meeting]



9 Years
Extra large
10-19-2017, 08:03 PM

He felt pain and tension surge through his shoulder as he made impact with Torin and all his mouth would catch is fur from the vary edge of Torin's pelt. He didn't get the grip he was hoping for, but at least he could say he was in fact impressed with how well Torin was doing. He had to have been training with someone to be doing this well so far. If Torin didn't win this Frost would be trying to convince Rory that his brother deserved a fighting rank. Though Frost was hoping to win this and gained to rank Rory had offered him. He was ready to take on the challenge of helping to lead a pack. He felt he was meant to, it was the main reason for him separating from his family clan in the first place.

He quickly set up his defenses again just as Torin tucked his head and pushed forward and into Frost. Attempting to hold his ground and not allow Torin to overpower him into stumbling backward. Though he didn't catch the boy lifting up his leg for a paw slam until Torin's paw smashed down on his own left front paw. He grit his teeth at the pain, but relaxed that paw in an attempt to prevent further damage. He then took a step forward with his right rear paw and began to push his body into Torin's. Pushing back against him so that hopefully he would get off of his left front paw.

He then tried to use his inch difference in height, lifting his high to try and get his head out of the reach of the jaws of Torin. Instead of Torin getting the hold he sought he grabbed a hold of skin and fur lower on Frost's neck. Frost turned his head towards his left and pointed his muzzle downward just a bit as his jaws opened searching to grab a hold of Torin's scruff.

Frostbite vs. Torin for Rank (Kaliq)

Round: 3/3
Height: 41"
Build: Medium

ooc: Yes good fight Lo!