
Resting Point

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
10-19-2017, 09:06 PM

She had moved so quietly from the den that he didn't notice she was beside him until she spoke. He turned his head for his eyes to look to her face. He couldn't help the smile that blossomed on his face. There was something about the smaller women that made the man feel the need to be by her side. It wasn't that he felt she was weak, he more so loved the companionship she had brought since they had met. Though things had been hectic since they had met and little did they have time to just spend together. Though it seemed this morning they would have some time, which he was now looking forward to. Since he was helping her out Clay really felt the need to get to know her better and spend time with her.

"Yea the help and the company would be great," though his vocals were deep, he spoke quietly so that he wouldn't wake the children inside.

Maybe they would get lucky and the kids would sleep all day, he knew the first part of their trip had been a long one, but it had been necessary to be able to find a safer place to take a rest. He was glad she wanted to go with him hunting by himself was getting somewhat dull in his mind and he was more happy to have the company from her. He stretched once more before looking to her, his tail gently wagging. He made a motion with his head for her to fallow before he put his nose to the ground to look for a trail. Once far enough away he felt more at ease that they could talk without waking the younger travelers of thier small group.

"Did you have any ideas of where to go after we get Tempest home?" he asked as he slowed his pace for her to walk beside him.

"Clay Talk", & 'Clay Think"