
what now?

Athena I


9 Years
10-20-2017, 01:28 PM

The first time her home had dissolved around her she had at least known it was going to happen and there had been a reason. One she hadn't agreed with, but at least there had been a cause. The quiet air around the pack had been lingering for a while, but slowly she noticed that as she did patrols and surveyed the pack it was only her own scent she was finding at the borders. The collective scent of the pack was all but gone and the realization that there was no longer a pack around her hit her like a falling tree. Fiori had been the last reminder of Amalia and now it was gone.

She felt numb as she moved slowly through the mangroves. She still had Jayne and Tiburtius to look after so her first concern and thought was where would she take her family. Although... They didn't really need her now, did they? Jayne had already proven that she could be on her own and Tiburtius was more than capable of doing so. Archelaus was scarce anyway so she could only assume that he was fine as well. Where did that leave her?

A now familiar bark caught her attention and her head lifted so that her gaze could land on the gold and black woman a moderate distance away. The tension in her shoulders lessened when she saw that Ara was still here and she hurried over to her. "I'm so happy to see you," she said truthfully as she gently pressed her nose to Ara's cheek. She vaguely remembered how strange it had felt to show any kind of affection when her and Ara first talked, but that didn't even cross her mind right now. For a moment she was at a loss for words. This had been her home for so long that she didn't know how to respond. When her first pack had been disbanded Amalia had been there to guide them here. Now she had no back up plan. "What are you going to do?" she asked softly after a moment of silence. She didn't specifically mention the fact that the pack was gone, but she didn't feel like she had to.

"Talk" "You" Think