
The Strength to Carry On



07-02-2013, 06:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Standing up on all fours, the bear was even more imposing of a figure, and Mercianne couldn't help but take a hesitant step back, not wanting to pose herself against the creature should she somehow take her presence as a threat of some kind. But she didn't leave. She couldn't, not knowing the scent that she followed was so near, that the wolves she needed to find were so close just inside the cave. Perhaps it was because she picked up her plant again that the bear gave her another swift once over and decided to speak, recognizing her for a healer. She answered cooperatively and Merci breathed a small sigh of relief to know that she had found the right place, almost certain then that the bear had taken up her position purposefully. Awaken was there too - her ears perked of their own accord at his mention - and also a black and white she-wolf. Ocena. She was in the right place after all.

With lumbering steps, the bear moved, offering entrance into the cave to the little white wolf. Unable to speak around the plant she carried gently within her jaws, Merci merely nodded her head in polite thanks before stepping cautiously around the large creature and heading within, her nose wrinkling at the heavy scent of blood. Her heart beat sped in worry as she wandered further inside, first spotting Awaken's tail as she came closer to where they rested. She moved to step around beside him, spotting Gargoyle slumped against the ground with Ocena leaning down beside him. He did look the worse for wear. Open wounds, torn flesh, blood sitting in a small pool beneath one of his legs. And...did she smell aloe?

The little healer stopped as she came up beside Awaken, half on her way to better inspecting Gargoyle's wounds when the unexpected smell of healing remedies stopped her in her place. Sure enough, as her dark brown eyes adjusted to the light and she got another look at those same wounds just a little closer, she could see the glistening of the aloe over them, and slowly she set down the calendula plant she had been carrying. She lifted her head with a look of puzzlement, eyes narrowing gently as she more closely inspected Gargoyle's wounds. "He's...he's already been tended to," she muttered uselessly, glancing up at Ocena and then Awaken curiously.