
WOAH (woah)



6 Years
10-20-2017, 11:33 PM

Maybe she ought to make a living as some kind of navigator what with all this wandering around every single inch of both Boreas and Auster. But nah, that wouldn't work cause she was usually too distracted getting into trouble everywhere she went to actually see the sights and learn the land very well. Bouncing along at an easy pace Iskra figured she could try to correct that and so she spent a good while looking around at all she could see. So far she saw trees. More trees. Honestly just trees gosh this was stupid. Never mind, looking was stupid.

Climbing up onto one of several fallen trees that were all clustered and fallen atop one another, Iskra jumped and tip toed her way to the top of the stack, peering out at the land from her new vantage point. Ah yes, look at the... trees. Frowning, she was about to go pout and look for someone to harass or annoy when spotted what appeared to be not a tree. Yes, it was actually quite colorful as trees are not known for being. Then her frown deepened as she got a better look at the approaching child and her only comprehensible thought was a pretty blunt, "What the hell?"

If one of the three starry wolves she'd met lately had been kin would this encounter continue to tip the scale with unrelated wolves, or would things balance out? Also, how long would it take for these lands to be positively brimming with wolves like this? Iskra was pretty sure it used to be at least somewhat uncommon. Sitting down upon her tower of trees Iskra canted her head a bit, studying the child with uncertainty in her eyes. She wasn't feeling particularly articulate today, so she opted to remain silent.


Table image by Argenticide