
tell the world I'm coming home



7 Years
Dire wolf
10-21-2017, 04:16 PM
Angel's head tilted to the side in response to her question. He had anticipated many different conversation starters - perhaps an introduction, a comment on the weather, something along those lines - so the question the stranger put to him caught him off guard. Does the sea call to you as it does to me? It was a curious thing to ask and even though they'd just met, with the impression of her that was forming, it seemed fitting. This small blue woman was herself a curious thing.

In a heartbeat his smile returned, although this time it was gentler. His voice tinged with chagrin, he admitted, "Something tells me it doesn't call as strongly to me as it does to you." Angelus had a feeling she didn't want to hear that. He could have lied, it would have been easy to part with the words he thought she wanted to hear, but it didn't seem like a great idea to start a relationship with a lie. At least not without some kind of motive and right now he had none.

Before he could say anymore a chill swept over the beach and the breeze picked up. A shadow suddenly fell over him and cast the beach into darkness. He looked up and immediately his ears fell back in surprise. Angelus cast a quick glance in the stranger's direction so he could get a sense of her reaction. "Wow," he breathed. At first glance it looked as though a cloud was covering the sun, but upon further inspection it became clear that what hung ominously in the air was something else entirely. It writhed and twisted as if alive and after a moment a hole in the center of the mass formed as individual creatures dove towards the sea. In an instant the hole was filled by other creatures and again the beach was cast in shadow. It was a flock of birds, he realized. "Is that uh, typical seabird behavior?"

As Angelus watched the seagulls that had broken away from the flock drew closer and he was able to make their features out clearly. It took a moment for what he was seeing to register but once it did his hackles rose. The birds were...what were they exactly? He wasn't sure. Deformed? Sick? Something was definitely wrong with them. Their feathers were patchy and mottled in unnatural colors and as they nearer the birds began to shriek and wail, their voices shrill and harsh on his ears. They didn't sound like any seabirds he'd ever heard before. No, their cries reminded him of birds of prey.