
Bulls In The Bronx [Raid]



10 Years

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-22-2017, 01:14 AM

Kimahri had been somewhat successful in his attack against the she-wolf, though his attempt at smacking her square against her head hadn't worked as well as intended. Nevertheless, he felt his claws score against flesh and that was enough for him. Having been so focused on slapping her, he neglected to see that she had been aiming to trip, and trip he did. The collision had left him a bit more winded than he anticipated, so he was out of the game for now.

Justice had moved away from Dragon in a way that nearly all of his attacks had missed, save for his paw barely touching her own. His bite, however, had landed. Not where intended, but he felt the tearing of her left ear as his teeth sliced through. Snarling with a bit of frustration, he would do what he could to bring her down to the best of his abilities. The earthen male would not slow, however. He sought to continue his surge forward while taking a step towards his right and slightly away from Justice, thus avoiding her attempt at shoving her shoulder into his windpipe. Instead, her shoulder had barely grazed along his left side, though no damage would come from it due to his own movements of distancing himself. He was now nearly parallel to Justice. His left shoulder side by side to her left flank.

The alpha made sure to keep his defenses in check. Hackles rose along his spine, head lowered to align with his spine, tail tucking now instead of flagging out to protect himself and to keep her from trying to grab onto his tail. His legs were spread equi-distant apart, toes splayed and claws biting the earth for traction. His hind legs were coiled, weight centered upon them for his next move. Green eyes were narrowed, ears flattened to his head and lips curled in a snarl to bare fangs. Due to his new position, Justice's attempt at bear hugging him would ultimately fail, and instead of her bite landing on his face, it would instead catch on the left side of his rump, teeth cutting downward towards his left thigh to leave moderate lacerations.

And it was here he'd make his move.

Dragon would bend his elbows and knees, bringing himself slightly lower to the ground. He then uncoiled his hind legs, springing himself forward nearly in the same manner that Justice had, though instead of trying to choke her, he sought to slam the point of his left shoulder right into Justice's left hind knee with as much force as possible and potentially break the bone(s) in that leg, as well as to severely bruise it. Simultaneously, he aimed to hook her left hind ankle with his left forepaw and would attempt to drag it towards him or pull it out from under her at a leftward angle to further strain the leg should he land his attack. His weight redistributed across his other grounded limbs to keep his balance up.

He wasn't done, however. The earthen male would then lift his left hind paw for no more than a moment before attempting to slam it down on top of the toes of Justice's left forepaw with as much force as he could muster. His aim was to try and break her toes (or at least the outer toe/s). His ultimate goal was to try and handicap her movements. Make her slower and harder for her to move. With this attempt, he would redistribute his weight once more upon his right limbs.

Lastly, the males jaws opened wide as he made his last move against her, his jaws tilting left towards the base of her tail, though slightly lower down from where it actually connected to her body. The male sought to grab onto it. Upper jaw aimed to come over the top of it, while lower jaw sought to come under her tail. He wanted to get as much of it in his mouth as he possibly could and as far back as he could (preferably towards his molars). Should his attack succeed, then he wanted to gain a solid grip and shake his head as much as he could. His goal here was to break it in several places with not only the pressure, but the erratic and violent movements of his head. A bonus would be actually snapping it off, though he didn't care if it did or not.

He felt the fight was dragging on, though perhaps it was simply because he'd been in multiple fights already that the adrenaline was wearing off. He still didn't know who was still here and who was not. Though he supposed he'd find out after the whole ordeal was over...

Dragon vs justice for CLAIM
Round: 2/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.