
WOAH (woah)



3 Years
Extra large
10-22-2017, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2017, 10:06 PM by Asharya.)

The woman seemed to stare down at her with something like haughty amusement in her eyes. Asha wasn't used to seeing this expression, least of all directed at her, and decided at once that she was not very fond of it. Asharya had wanted a quick, easy release of information to sate her curiosity. Certainly not this. "I suppose you'll just have to convince me it's worth sharing," the stranger said, causing Asha to huff. Without pausing to consider whether or not it was a smart response, she said, "Not likely, seeing as I don't have any reason to think it'll be worth the effort. I don't really care about your name, at all." Her eyes narrowed, giving the stranger a very obvious once-over. Asha wasn't stupid, she knew that she herself was special when it came to appearances. She liked being special. She did not like that she had found another wolf who might be able to rival her splendor.

The prospect soured her mood considerably. Asha sat down with a thump and a huff, just as the woman bounded up and began to run off. "Hey! I'm talking to you, where are you from?" Her tone was blunt and demanding as only a child's can be. She wanted answers, dammit! Where was this woman from, and why did she look sort of like Asharya did? She was the first wolf the young girl had ever seen that even came close. Pyralis did not speak of whoever it was that had sired her and her brother, and Asha was just reaching the point in her life where she might start to question things like that. This proof that wolves of her ilk did exist to roam the world brought up a plethora of curiosities and questions that Asha needed the answers to. And she was not going to take any of the woman's sass as an answer!

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox