
Glaciem Meeting


07-02-2013, 06:30 PM

Slowly, they would begin to show themselves; sulking from their cover with overwhelming measures of both sorrow and revulsion. It was to be expected, dragged from the close-knit lives they had always known, and thrust carelessly at the feet of a total stranger. A part of the auburn banshee wanted to care, wanted to ease off on her power-struck grasp and ease the family into the change, but hell- she would be kidding herself. Numb to the love of domestics, Eos had abandoned her own family; severed all bar one of the fraying ties to Valhalla. No empathy or sympathy would be offered to the weeping hearts of the former Glaciems, for not only did she fail to comprehend the motives behind their pain, but her arid character wouldn?t allow for such an emotional weakness. Eos was as fervently aloof as a youth her age would allow, far too impatient to amorously stroke the wounded ego?s and hearts of disappointed pack-members. She was queen now, she was superior.

Despite her sitting position beneath the structures of an aged pine, the approach of a snowy vixen would encourage sinew to tense beneath the leathers of wounded flesh; eying the bouncing string of infants that trailed obediently behind. Cute. Skull raised, swollen with an evident self-confidence as she acknowledged the elder female?s presence; emotions remaining ever-void as the fae began to state only the agonizingly obvious. ?One would come to expect such an entity, woman- I didn?t cripple your alpha to make them happy,? voice rung free with notable femininity, though lurking beneath the surface was a vagueness that nobody was ever able to put their finger on; it wasn?t anything sinister, but it was far from fairy-dusted and affectionate. Lime-green gaze strayed to the stiff pups that placed themselves a short distance behind her, not sparing the time to acknowledge the youth any more than then she already had.

But the snowed banshee wasn?t finished, and Eos was quick to respond to the proud mother?s remarks, ?Well then perhaps I should have killed him, hm? I can express this now, dove- it would have been more than artless. Perhaps then, your people would have something to be? ?pissed? about.? Eos had spared their so called ?chief? his life, if anything his family should have been thankful. Though who was this? A familiar scent trailed the winds, nipped fondly at the base of her nostrils and sent a shudder of pleasure to her skin; Syrinx. His collosal red body swayed from beneath the limbs of dainty pines, an alluring magnificence evident within each powerful stride as he made himself saluted within the strangers company. Of course, who else to be her mate, to rule with her, than her brother?

Though Syrinx?s opinions would not be welcomed, and as two ebony beasts would appear almost simultaneously, followed by a russet babe and soon an elderly snowed male, it was becoming ever-more clear that Syrinx would be a far more ominous leader than perhaps, Eos herself would have been. Several more multi-hued pups would also arrive. Eos didn?t have the energy to deal with the charcoal male awaken that had insisted on throwing such a public tantrum, sparing Syrinx his words of authority before silently watching as the dark wolf would retreat. He was dismissed as a member, and wouldn?t be needed. If he were so loyal, why weren?t he with his seemingly alive ?chief? now? The dark lady however midnight, sat in humble silence; and Eos openly offered her a few moments of eye-contact, hushed perhaps, but gifted time of thought none the less.

Gaze would drift back to the snowed she-wolf crusade, to her babes, to her pallid mate cifer and soon to the russet and dark faces of the women who sat in silence. ?I am not faint at heart, Glaciems. Plans are no more of my interest than the weather, I plot only to take proceedings as they arise; and come what may. I am before you now as a leader, to offer you a residence of protection and stability. Whether you choose to shadow or take your leave does not phase my awareness,? weight shifted atop its bed of ice, ?But the offer is there- no more or less, I have no time for prisoners or trouble seekers. You and your families may stay if you accept the change of tides, if you come to acknowledge that your alpha was overthrown by the ever-natural powers of youth, by a superior. However if you let my victory pluck arrogantly at your psyche and destroy your rationality, my benevolence may waver. Choose prudently.?

Though the bleached female?s crusade disposition would begin to crumble, collapsing around the sour words of her brother. Usually, somebody attempting to speak on her behalf would encourage a scowl of irritancy, but Syrinx was tolerable, despite the slight twang of unease. Were she suggesting Eos were involved in the Valhallan alliance? Hell, the russet youth would almost growl, fighting the rising desire to snap and swiftly correct this woman?s foolish mistakes. ?Your previous alliance with Valhalla has no performance in this situation; I have been disengaged from the bonds of my blood since yearling-hood. I do not appreciate your imprudent need to pry and poke at the past. My breeding is irrelevant; I am an individual, not the product of a surname,? voice was bitter, ears flicking defensively against the curves of her scalp. She didn?t need unnecessary drama, if the dove wanted to leave, nobody would stand to stop her.

ooc/ Sorry if anybody was missed. Clash, it'd be nice if Crusade could stay long enough to hear what Eos had to say, but no biggie if not.