


10-24-2017, 04:15 PM
Uriel wasn’t sure where she was going… only that she knew some of her brothers had come to this land. At least she was hoping they were still here… If they were not would she continue to try following them? Was she still in such a way that she needed to stay close to her family at all times? Uriel paused… what was the right course of action? To continue her work for the Lord Father… or find her siblings? She closed her eyes, the biting wind of the Northern lands nipping at her fur.

“Uriel…” Shri’s voice broke into her thoughts, as they often did. Her winged sister seemed to know exactly when to reach out to her, to keep her mind on the task at hand. Uri opened her eyes, glancing up at the albino mourning dove with a gentle look.


She realized that the dove looked disturbed, and she frowned, canting her head to the side. “What is it, sister? What have you seen?”

“The fallen…” Shri shifted, winging down to land upon Uriel’s back. Uriel remained frozen. The fallen… their brother. She swallowed hard, debating on what to do next. Did she dare approach him? Should she try and find his location so that she might be able to report it to one of her other siblings?

‘Why do I feel so torn about his fall…? I should be listening to our Lord… yet…’ Her paws began to carry her forward again, following the direction that Shri had flown in from. After some time she saw him… there was no mistake that it was… Samael.

Uriel felt her heart clench in her chest. Why, she asked herself. Why had he done what he did? While she didn’t want to blame him… she was ever conflicted. What was really right and wrong anymore? She admittedly felt happy seeing her brother alive and well… but… she also felt scared.

“Brother…” Uriel whispered, gazing up through the treeline towards the brute. Shri gave a call of her own before taking to the skies again, leaving Uriel and Samael on the ground alone. But Uri didn’t move, staying at the lower vantage point where she had stopped and just gazed up at her brother and his kill.