
Shimmer and Illusion [Skia]



3 Years
10-24-2017, 10:32 PM

Okay, so Gideon knew something was up, obviously. You'd have to be a moron to not find something odd and unsettling in the corpses which littered the shore. The water had taken on a sickly green tint during the daylight hours, and the creatures left in the wake of the tide were unlike anything he'd ever seen before. Limbs where they did not belong, extra eyes, extra heads. He shuddered. What had caused this terrible curse? He decided he didn't want to think about it in case acknowledging it somehow brought it down upon him. Instead, he'd picked his way along the beach looking for something that seemed reasonably safe to eat. So far, he'd found not one damn thing.

Then, the sun had set. He had seen the waters of this beach become illuminated before on several occasions, and it did not typically take his breath away as it once had. He still felt mystified, but somewhat less awestruck. Tonight was an exception. Perhaps it was linked to the strangeness which had overtaken the ocean, and perhaps not. Gideon did not pretend to know the answer, and did not care. He simply sat on the beach and watched the spectacular light show play out. Alongside the typical blues and greens, the waters also blazed orange and violet and magenta. The colors roiled and transformed in rapid succession, bleeding into one another as the waves rolled along.

Where the water crashed onto shore it left a brilliant scattering of light and color, seemingly intensified by whatever dark mysteries were at play here. The splashes of color seemed to sink into the sand, linger there long after the water had receded, and glowed with the aftershock of it. Gideon did not know how long he sat there, listening to the crash of the waves and the whistling wind, and the eerie silence of not much else. Gone entirely were the sounds of crying gulls and bussing insects. Gideon shivered, and pretended that he did not mind.

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