
Shimmer and Illusion [Skia]



3 Years
Dire wolf
10-24-2017, 10:55 PM

The night air was crisp and Skia found herself wandering from her cozy den. Amon had finally seemed to come around and she could rest easy knowing each young one in their midst was close to a year. There was also the fact that they were safer with their patriarch among them. Though she knew no mortal would be foolish enough to dare set paw inside the canyon walls. They'd be strung up and Skia could practice one of many torturing methods upon them. Be it taking a toe, their tongue or severing their spinal cord Skia figured she would have fun with it.

She padded on, no pyr to keep her company this night. Nor were any of her cousins about to pester her. It was a good night. Though it ceased whence she padded to the beaches. Along it was corpses and they were cursed to bear such monstrous forms. Her eyes scrutinized the form of a dead gull. It's skin was exposed and where there should have been feathers spikes rose. It's beak contorted at the edges with teeth. Such a monster this was. It was as if the god had cursed this prey for some reason that went over Skia's head. She sniffed at it, extremely cautious and wary of the creature.

She picked up her head then and moved on. There was nothing good to come of questioning the God's handiwork. Her paws moved her, her eyes scanning, catching on a set of prints in the sand. Wolf from the look of them. Something normal at least. She shrugged and decided to move in the direction they had. Perhaps she might find a mortal worthy of her time for the night.

It was minutes before she found the sight of the rusted man. Her eyes caught upon him and she moved closer. Stopping when in the light of the moon, her eyes caught on his markings. Was this what she thought it was? A spirit? No that couldn't of been so easy. Her cousin had never told her how to find one though and she was not about to just label one a spirit willy nilly. She moved closer, darkened limbs coming to a halt as she stood beside him, about five feet away. Her eyes studied him coldly. Her family would laugh at her if she just labeled him one with no proof. But here he sat, along a beach with markings in his rusted colors like the waves of the waters. She said nothing but waited to see if he would say something first.

Walk, "Talk", Think