
lay it all on me

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
10-24-2017, 11:24 PM

Samael didn't speak. Not a word came from him for a few moments. The underfoot foliage shifted beneath the titanic feet of his brother, who moved slowly and carefully. The heat of his body against Gabriel's flank and spine felt wrong now. Knowing that Samael felt sexual attraction when he looked upon the herald had soured his view of their relationship. Squeezing his eyes shut, he felt the muscles along his spine tense. It was blasphemy. The sharp jut of Samael's jaw against the top of his skull was sudden and unexpected. The press of every line of his body against Gabriel's own. It was.... nice.

Warm tears spilled onto his alabaster crown. "I know, that is why I must do this. I couldn't stop myself from allowing the feeling to fester and taint me. But it's okay, it's my burden to bear, not yours. Tomorrow when you wake up I'll be gone, you'll forget I ever existed. Samael will be no more. You'll go find a man who can love you one day when father dies. If he truly loves you as he says he does Mike will get over it. Raph will learn to accept it. And I'll just be a memory that is better left behind." Gabriel didn't understand. The soft, broken tones of his baby brother's voice were deafening, yet he couldn't seem to grasp any of it.

A heavy sigh ruffled the short fur along the top of his head, swept along the bridge of his muzzle. "Should You need me I will come. You already know the name to call. If you seek to find me, look to the stars, the brightest one will be your guide." The young male said quietly. Did he not remember the fatal flaw of mortality that had its grasp upon the herald? In this moment, there was a chance he did not. That was okay. Eyes wide, auds pressed towards his skull, the male was only confused himself. "I do not understand, Luci. You will be among the stars?" There was very real fear then. Samael was planning to return to the heavens? To ascend? This was all Gabriel's fault. His brother was choosing to die! What had he done?

"The sun is high in the sky. Its rays are dancing across the waters below... blues and greens meld perfectly with the sun making them sparkle like no other. There's maybe three clouds overhead, white and fluffy with barely a hint of grey in them, there will be no rain today. The flowers below are wilting with the fall coming. Their colors dull now from the long summer. The grasses are turning golden as well. I can see the beach below from here, it's sands are the purest of white....." This was goodbye. The sorrowful return to their old ways was a farewell from his young sibling. What did this mean?

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Samael"



Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.