
Emperor's New Clothes [Pack Meeting]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
10-30-2017, 12:04 PM

So far, so good. It took a good bit before most of them arrived, but he attributed any lateness there was to the rain. After all, he was sure those who had been camping out in their dens away from the castle weren't too keen on going out in the rain, and it seemed most if not all of them were wet. He greeted each member as they arrived (even Grumpy Gryphon), though when Afrit decided to get his fur wet, he shivered at her cold, wet touch. "Oh my God! How could you, Afrit!?" He replied in such dramatic fashion, "How will I ever stop smelling like a wet dog now!?" He leaned away for a moment with a big grin before turning quickly towards her and sought to cover her face with the biggest, slobbery kisses he could. When he was done, he gathered himself together to address everyone else, the male looking at the crowd as he noticed then that there were quite a few missing. He didn't know where they had gone, nor if they were even still around...though he figured maybe they just hadn't heard him or something. Even so, they'd been waiting long enough, and there were important things to discuss. So taking a deep breath, he began.

"Thank you for coming on such a...well, less than pleasant day. I know it's been a while since our last meeting, but I promise this one is full of good news." He stepped forward a bit until he was practically toeing the edge of the step he was on. "I was going to try and wait for the rest of the apprentices, but I think we've waited long enough. It's time to get started with...well, quite a few things. So let's get started, shall we?" Clearing his throat, he looked at the pack for a moment before continuing. "I have a lot of new and exciting news today. The first being promotions for those who have excelled in their duties, and who have proven their worth to the pack. I would like to congratulate those who have fought hard in their first raid, whether or not you won or lost, you should be proud of yourselves. I know there was great risk involved, but you're here. You're alive. You're home. And that's what matters." He fell silent for a moment, knowing that there indeed had been a great risk. And in the future, there would probably be more.

"I would like to start by promoting our Fledgelings, who I believe have been overdue for proper places among the pack. Greed, you will be promoted to the rank of Knight. Arke, you are promoted to the rank of Mage. Afrit, you are promoted to the rank of Guardian. Okami, you are promoted to the rank of Guardian..." He looked to each in turn, though was disappointed that there were some apprentices that had not been present to receive their promotions today. "Should you all decide you would like to pursue a different rank, please let me know." Now that the former apprentices were settled, he moved on to the others. "Valdis...I'd like to promote you to the rank of Crimson Crusader. If you feel you'd like to pursue another rank, let me know," He looked at her, proud that she had been on the front lines during their assault and had been brave enough to take on Celestial's alpha. Then, his gaze turned to Gryphon. He had thought long and hard about what to do with his brother, but no matter what he tried to think, he just couldn't keep his brother where he was. He had meant to pull him out of his current rank sooner, but he had just been too busy up until now. "Gryphon, I'd like to promote you to the rank of Crimson Fang. You've been doing exceptionally well with your hunting despite the position you were in, and I was a fool to attempt to remove you from your former position. Forgive me..." He knew that despite their fights and arguments and everything in between, his brother had not abandoned his duties among other things. He felt his brother deserved the position. "I'd also like to speak with you after this." He kept his gaze on him a moment longer before moving on.

His gaze fell on Valor then. He could see that his cousin was miserable, scared possibly. He was after all, currently a prisoner within the pack. That wasn't why he had challenged his cousin, however. "I would like to take this opportunity to introduce a new face among us. Valor Ancora, son of Creed Ancora who was a cousin of ours." His gaze hardened a bit then as he recalled what had been learned about Creed. "It may seem obvious by namesake, but Creed was a very much loved family member of ours. Which brings me to alert you about a potential murderer in the lands...I shouldn't have to go into detail, but I urge you all to keep your eyes and ears peeled. Any information found about those who might have committed such crimes are to come and tell me as soon as possible." He rolled his shoulders to keep his hackles from rising, calming himself before he got worked up. He didn't want to say too much about the incident while Valor was here, the earthen male not wanting to put Valor through the memories again. "Valor, you are not a prisoner of Talis. You will be ranked as a Zygon for the time being, which means you are a regular member. I would like to speak with you in private later to discuss things further."

He still had more he wanted to say, and figured perhaps he oughta get it all out now instead of prolonging it. But where to start or finish...? "Another thing, all those promoted from apprentice ranks into full ranks will be getting accessories of their choosing, or chosen by my. The ranks you go into will decide what you may choose, and these go for all those who get promoted, not just graduating apprentices. If anyone is not satisfied with their ranks, or would like to discuss advancing, please come speak to me. Rank challenges are accepted within Talis, so you only need to come to me to request it. Furthermore, I would like to add that all members need to train in fighting at least once or twice per season, we must keep at the ready at all times for future raids, or the event we need to defend ourselves. I'd also like to add that we will be holding more festivals and ceremonies soon, and those are currently in development. If you've any ideas yourself, please come and share your ideas and we will see what we can do. The pack is always evolving, and I feel that everyone's voice should be heard. No idea is a bad idea, and I'm always around to talk to."

OOC// SO sorry for the super late post, i've been dealing with a lot of personal crap all month...for now, look at the pack page for new ceremonies, etc and pretend dragon talked about them. Some ideas still need to be finished but feel free to suggest some things and more than likely they'll be added. I kinda ran out of energy to post that portion. Second rounds are mandatory and must be posted by 11/11. For the accessories, you may ask me what your character can request via skype or pming Dragon or you may let Dragon choose what your character receives. Any other questions you may pm or skype me, thanks for waiting and sorry again!

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.