
Lirika x Samael


10-25-2017, 11:02 AM
OOC Name: Croatoan

Character Name: Karlen

AGAB: Female

Gender: Trans male (He/him preferred, although they/them will be accepted)

Appearance: 38'(36' if unable to have 38')-- Light build

Karlen, although he'll not be the largest wolf, will stand at a large height. Despite that, he'll be lighter in weight and build, just seemingly enough to make him seem healthy. His legs are longer and he's just muscular enough to make it obvious that he could inflict some damage, even if it's not as much.

Karlen is coated in a pale, snowy white, with a few much darker markings. Ebony coats his face, going up his muzzle in a stripe and widening so it covers his eyes. It's a sudden change against the lighter fur color. His front legs are covered in black, going up to his shoulders. His hind legs, up to his haunches, are coated in ebony as well. A strand of black goes through the thicker fur on his shoulders, one resembling his father's back marking. 

Karlen's eyes are mismatched in color; one is a deep blue, and the other is a red-orange. His eyes are oddly matching, although his red-orange eye seems like fire while his blue eye seems like water. They're both bright against his black and white fur.

Personality: 150+ words plz

Roleplay Sample: