
Peering through the Fog



3 Years
Extra large
10-26-2017, 12:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2017, 03:26 PM by Asharya.)

Asharya grappled with her reasonably fragile sense of morality. Frankly, it was a withered, pathetic, underdeveloped thing. What did she care about some stranger who was too dumb to stay out of the tar pits? She shouldn't, so she didn't know why she was analyzing the edge of the tar pit with such a critical eye. If she could just find an angle... But then the voices in the distance floated in on the wind once more and she froze, smaller fae forgotten for the moment. Yes, that was definitely her mother!

Asharya snickered at whatever it was she gleaned from the brief snippets. She fell just on the edge of hearing, and strained for more. They seemed to be coming closer, drawn as she'd suspected by the grey and white woman's cries. Asharya grinned broadly when at last the two forms became clear. One, her mother, and another she did not recognize but seemed familiar to Pyralis and so was alright by her... for now.  "Girl what are you doing out here?  Have you been following me?" Astonishment was dominant in Pyralis' tone, which meant to Asharya that not all was yet lost. She could still salvage the situation; she was not yet in trouble!

"Er, ya see..." Asharya flashed a quick look between the woman in the tar pit and her mother. Could she afford to send her a wink beforehand? ...No, too risky. She'd just have to hope the woman was smarter than her circumstances led Asharya to believe. "I was out trying to read the weather patterns, like you showed us, and I thought something weird was going to happen. This fog, I think! So I was investigating and I found er... What's your name again?" She paused for a heartbeat, wondering if it would be forthcoming, and then continued on regardless. "Whatever, I made a bargain with her that I'd save her from the tar pits and lead her to safety, and she-" Asharya paused, adding emphasis to her words where the woman ought to be listening closest. "Would be indentured to me until I figure she's paid back the life debt! She was just about to give me her answer." Asharya winked at her at last, unable to resist. Then she'd have her own Lydia, just like her Mama! This was perfect!

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

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