
Do A Doubletake



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
10-28-2017, 12:18 PM
So engrossed was he in removing the rotting scales from his face that Malleus completely missed the words exchanged by the siblings. The titan, rough and brutish as he could be, was fastidious. Cleanliness, in his mind, was one of the key qualities that set him apart from the savages.

His gaze lifted briefly to glare at his cousins and then, because the space they'd been occupying was empty, the titan did a double take. The little wretches! All he could see of them was their backsides as the pair lit out across the beach.

Immediately Malleus took off after them in a spray of sand and mangled fish bits. He wasn't built for speed or grace, but the giant had righteous anger on his side. He was going to catch them one way or another. His long legs ate up the ground between them and in no time at all he was on Ashiel's heels. The boy was smart; he quickly scrambled up a pile of rocks that Malleus knew he wasn't nimble enough to navigate well.

The titan's gaze flicked from Ashiel to Asharya. She had to be the thrower anyway, unless Ashiel managed to throw the fish over his head somehow. Vengeance would be his! He hadn't yet decided how he was going to exact his revenge, but, contrary to what she may have been fearing, he wasn't going to maul her to death. His vengeance would take the form of embarrassment. But what might embarrass a soon-to-be yearling? He didn't know, but before he could do anything else he had to catch her. Perhaps he'd tickle her until she wet her fur.

As he neared the girl Malleus reached out with a forepaw and swatted at Asharya's hind paws in the hopes of tripping her up. One stumble was all it would take for him to close the distance between them and tackle her.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.