
When One Door Closes, Surely Another Will Open



12 Years
Extra large
10-30-2017, 02:46 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He regarded his cousin quietly as she emerged. He regretted, honestly, not enforcing a battle training lesson as his mother had done. He knew there was little that could be done to teach a wolf how to combat the devastation that came with being blinded in a fight, but his blindness training with his mother had helped him prepare himself for at least fighting without the help of his sight.

He waited until she settled beside him and gave her muzzle a lick, being sure to let his breath precede his touch to allow her time to know he was coming in. “It will take some time to adjust, but with practice, you’ll be able to travel the territory as though you can still see it. Try talking to Kalliope for tips on exploring new terrain.”

He leaned into the hunter, allowing her to feel the shrug in response to her question on his healing. Paladin and Solveiga were both excellent healers, and Paladin in particular was handling the majority of the healings. “I’m healing well. We’re in good paws.”

He had to commend Paladin, when his mother was ailing and any progress seemed to have been lost over the last while. With the kidnapping of Valor during the Raid, it only added to the stress the young healer was facing. A heavy sigh threatened to escape, but he bit it back in favor of gazing down the ravine. If raiding a pack wasn’t foolish enough, taking a member of that pack prisoner during the raid was a declaration of war. Even if that hadn’t been added to the list of offenses, the damage done to his pack was grounds enough for a siege, in his mind.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]