
Nothing but a game



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
10-30-2017, 06:56 PM
Philomena smirked at his comment. “Bet you’re Mama would!” Even as the little girl countered his words she was slipping into defensive posture. She could feel her fur rise, particularly along her hackles as she narrowed her eyes. She looked… more like a moderate sized fluffball than a real threat… but her size for her age was an advantage. She spread her limbs apart, perhaps a tad too far, and distributed her weight evenly across her body like her uncle had showed her {whether he knew it or not} when she spied on him hunting and practicing stuff.

“Least you’re not boring~” Her words were a slight compliment as she flicked her ears back. “With proper attitude maybe you’ll even make some friends.” Philomena canted her head to the side and gave a toothy smile before getting the rest of her defenses set in place. She dug her claws into the earth and raised her tail out behind her in a banner to aid with balance. Then she rolled her shoulders forward and let out another of her growls. The fight was on!

She didn’t wait for the boy to move -- Philomena took that opportunity to attempt to close the moderate distance {not sure what to put because I can’t ask Fen right now. xD} between them. She ran forward, shifting her head downward as she aimed to use it as a battering ram against the other pup. Continuing head on she tried to not only slam squarely into the center of his chest with her head but also aimed to throw her right forepaw even more forward and stomp on his toes. She didn’t know if the boy was going to fight back… but she kind of hoped so. It wouldn’t be any fun if he didn’t!


Philomena vs Rogdar for Dominance / ‘Protecting’ Amos
45” {Probably close to  30ish at this age? IDEK.}
Round 1/3