
What Hurts The Most


5 Years
Athena I
07-02-2013, 07:56 PM

The crash of the thunder and flash of lightning made the multi-hued fea jump with surprise. Meili sighed as she peeked out from the protection of the tree, looking unhappily at the sky. The storm seemed to come out of nowhere and the shade of the tree was the best protection she could find. Ever since their last meeting, Meili had been hanging around the areas near Gael's pack, just in case he could get away to spend some time with her. She was still learning her way around the area, but she had been staying near the lake for a while since it was an easy source of water and food. She turned her teal gaze toward the lake, turned dark from the storm, watching the rain hit the surface of the water. She gave a little shiver from the chill of her soaked fur. The tree leaves could only block so much of the rainwater and she was still soaked to the bone.

Just as she was about to give up on her post and try to find a better shelter, she heard the thud of paws hitting the muddy ground. The rain made it impossible to catch the wolf's scent, but something made her look up in time to see a wolf that she could have sworn was Gael. She blinked with surprise. Why in the world would Gael be out here in the storm? He should be back home with his pack where is was safe. She shook her head, that couldn't have been Gael. Still... it really did look like him. She stepped out from under the shelter of the tree, watching the brute run toward the edge of the lake. After she got a second look at him she knew without a doubt that it was her sweet Gael.

He stopped on the shore of the lake and she ran over to him, padding around in front of him so she could face him. "Gale! Gale..." she called as she approached him, her heart sinking in her chest at the sight of him. He was an absolute mess with his muddy paws and soaked, matted fur. He looked absolutely lost. "Gale..." she whispered as she nuzzled his neck and rested her head along his shoulder blade, keeping him close. She didn't ask what was wrong or what had happened yet, she just wanted him to know that whatever it was she was here for him.
