
In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411


10-30-2017, 08:12 PM
The female hadn’t gone all that far into the place when she heard the echoes of a whimper from another wolf… shortly thereafter followed by a howl of absolute pain. The female cringed. ‘That… can’t be good.’ Bridget turned around, expression becoming softer. Someone was likely hurt pretty good to make that sort of ruckus. She flicked her ears back, narrowing her eyes in thought. If she had to guess someone had tried to enter this place and stumbled, this injuring themselves… Well, it would be cruel to not check on them. She could be the only other creature around.

Bridget doubled around back the way she came and, before long, she noticed a mound of fur, dirt still stirring in the air from his fall. Ahhh so this was the poor sap that had stumbled on his way down huh? That’s what she could gather anyway, and with a soft sigh Bridget approached.

“You’d better not be aggressive. I’ll bite back.” She warned, skirting around the other male and giving herself enough room in case he decided he did want to snap at her. She wasn’t really one to fight… but she could bluff her way through a situation if needed.

"You uh, need help?"