



5 Years
Dire wolf
10-30-2017, 10:40 PM
He had heard her and he made a soft hum of thought. His sister who was but a small babe to him, one that needed protection, did not fear him. Yet Michael feared the thought of the fall for allowing him to mingle with who chose to mingle with him. Then she went on again. He gave a quiet laugh. "Why does everyone think I'm going to force them to chose? That I want others to give up a life with family just so I can have my happiness again?" seriously did he seem that cruel?

Gabe chose abba and Sam had made him do that. He could of let Gabe choose him but the price of that decision was too high. "Seriously, think about it Lady Uriel. Why would I want you to give up Abba? What could I even offer? A chance to find love with anyone you want? Yeah I could but at what cost uri? Your life at the hands of Michael, Raph, or even worse Gabby? Nope im all good." he wasnt about to have her life lain before him because he tempted her.

She didn't agree aparently and he nodded. This was what he felt some of them felt inside. Abba just scared them too much to speak out or rebel. "Uri you should make sure not to say that to anyone else. Michael has made it clear to me that he will kill any that even remotely come close to taking my side of things. Gabriel may be the only one among you that I'd come close to trusting, though don't push him too far he's probably in a fragile state right now. And yes Uriel, don't let the man fool you, he can disown me, he can kill me, he can throw me away all he wants, but the fact is, you and me are still siblings. We are a family, just a little broken right now." he was careful with everything. His haunches met the ground figuring she was about to want a long talk. Maybe even an explanation or two.

And there it was. Right out the box. Why's came from her and he sighed. Of course she had never known the feelings of love. Nor did she realize why Abba was so mad.

He started after a moment of figuring out how best to explain it. "I kept them hidden for this very reason Uriel. I feared what abba would do to me when he found out. He has always loved that I could never find the one girl that would make me want to marry her, he enjoyed that he had my love more than any other could ever have. The reason he is mad and why I did it are so simple and easy....." he gave a pause before he continued on. "I let love into my heart, not like the love I had for abba or the love I had for my siblings, but the kind that makes you want to lay down your life and give your all to that special someone. But problem is, there was two special girls for me. I could not hurt either of them by choosing the other so I compromised. I married both and had children with both." he stopped to let her take in the information of what a scumbag he was, and how much he had truly cared for them.

"Abba only found out because I decided I was going to run away with them. I just didn't want to leave you guys because the thought of it hurt me. He isn't mad though. He's jealous. Not to mention he's wrong, and I'll prove it one way or another." did this satisfy her? Did it make her understand what he saw? He doubted it. His head was too far up Gabe's ass for anyone to see his point of view. "Tell you a secret though, so long as you swear not to tell anyone else...."

As his brother and current stalking interest Gabriel is allowed in any of his threads regardless of tags. Also as the father of Leviathan, Sathanus, and Mammon Sam is allowed to pop into any of their threads as he sees fits regardless of how they are marked.