
Nothing but a game



3 Years
Extra large
10-31-2017, 11:29 AM

“I’d never be friends with a freak!”
He roared furiously and braced himself as she began to close the distance. He squared his shoulders, lowering his head to cover his chest and tightened the muscles in his legs as she charged toward him like a bull, she was big but he was quick and although she had more bulk he had the teachings of his mother’s mentor to guide him. He waited as she drew closer then darted three inches to the right just as she threatened to collide with him, splaying the toes of his back legs and sinking them into the dirt before pushing himself off the ground completely to maximize the force needed as their bodies sailed past each other, a hair width apart.

He tucked his left paw against his chest, shielding his chest with the stronger bone of his arm and twisted to the left, hoping to sink his needle sharp teeth into her neck or into her flowing mane, and stiffened his neck as he braced for the impact, his right paw outstretched ready to catch him as he sailed through the air. As soon as his right paw touched the earth he would pivot on his paw to the right; regardless of whether or not his bite made purchase and he succeeded in ripping away her fur, the thick  bones of his hips would swing with him and if all went well, would collide with her ribs and knock her off balance. As soon as his twist was complete he would dash away to the right, putting distance between them again and bracing for her next attack.

Rogdar vs. Philomena for Dominance

{Aka shutting Phili up lmao}

Round: 1 | 2 | 3

Height: 40" {25 inches right now to keep the ratio between them even}

Build: Light

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