
Around the Corner [Pack Hunt]



2 Years
11-02-2017, 10:20 AM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2017, 10:34 AM by Leshia.)
ooc:  thanks guys!  second round due the end of the day November 13th, no posting order

Take one last look behind

Leshia fidgeted, her weight shifting from side to side as she waited.  She was excited to get a hunt going and hoped to get more familiar with some of her packmates.  The alpha was the first to show and she returned his greeting with a respectful nod of her head. "Good to see you alpha, thank you for joining me."  Frostbite was the next to show and Leshia nodded respectfully to the older hunter.  His wisdom would be valuable on this hunt and as he'd been in Lirim longer he likely had a better understanding of the preys habits and behavior.  She waited awhile longer, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her back despite the biting chill of the autumn breeze but the third hunter did not appear.  She frowned a little. "Hm, it seems Rincavornon isn't joining us?"  She hoped she'd gotten the name right having never met the man.  Well, no matter.  They could make do without him.

"Deer is on the menu Frostbite.  I've picked up a fresh whitetail trail, there's a small herd grazing down in the valley near the edge of the weeping woods.  I believe we can stalk along the edge of the woods then strike from there."  She hoped that by placing themselves between the deer and the safety of the forest they could drive them into the open valley where they'd be easier to hunt.  "I propose that Ruaidhrí and I stalk along the woods border to cut the herd off from shelter.  Frostbite if you can instead move to the opposite side of the herd we can drive them toward you.  I think you'd have a better idea of who would make the best target."  

She waited briefly to see if there were any questions or concerns before she started stalking along the border, doing her best to stay low in the grasses and occasionally moving into the woods themselves when she feared she'd be spotted.  The wind had died down, thankfully, and Leshia came to a halt where she wanted to be before waiting for the others to get into position.  When Frostbite picked the target she'd charge and the trio would work to separate the deer.  Whoever had the opportunity would take the kill shot but she imagined this task would fall to Frostbite as the deer would run toward him and he'd have a change to go for the throat.
