
baby I'm sorry {raphael}

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
11-06-2017, 07:22 PM

Gabriel would have needed to be deaf to miss the tone of his brother's voice when he alluded to his whereabouts. "With our Father." He announced. The herald could imagine his chest puffed out, chin raised proudly. Raphael forgot the sin of Pride, to think one above the other was wrong. His shoulder came into light contact with his cheek, and the herald tugged on the thick derma there with his teeth. A friendly gesture Michael would never have suffered to go without punishment. "I came following Michael, I assume you have seen him as well." Lord, he knew. Raphael was a smart one, always had been. The next words, "Tell me what you know." came as no surprise.

Bumping his head gently against Raphael's shoulder, he spun on a heel to face in the same direction as he. Lowered his haunches gracefully to the ground, and let his tail settle limply on the terra. Expression held itself stoic upon his defined features. "Our beloved brother wishes me dead, or terribly deformed at the least." He rumbled, taking in the scents and the sounds. There were more birds here than elsewhere. They were nearing their wintering grounds, most likely. "I couldn't do it, Raph." he said, sighing heavily. Lean shoulders drooped with the truth of it all. "I fell into a strange ravine, and he was there. Lucifer. He didn't attack me. I couldn't bring myself to kill him." He continued, vocals low and soft. Admission brought with it the heavy weight of shame. "I could not shake the mirage of him, young and boisterous, from the Fallen one he is now. I left, prayed to the Lord I would never see him again." Shaking his head, he saw now the foolishness of it all. Of course that was a mistake. Suffering a demon to live? Unthinkable. He had disappointed the Lord, and brought sin into their family. Invited it wantonly into their sanctuary. "I knew he was stalking me, after that. I heard him, in the distance, and I smelled him in places. He found me on several occasions, and thought himself my caretaker- I believe. Brother, he thinks I am incapable and weak. But..." Lord Father, lend him strength. Raph was going to slaughter him, he could feel it. Just as Michael had promised. "Michael and I found one another, and he began to attack. Our brother believes that I have been partaking in... sexual encounters with Lucifer. How could I sin so? You know me, Raphael. I wouldn't blaspheme in such a heinous way. You have to know that."

Another sigh. The titan felt his lungs in his chest, all too suddenly. He felt each inflation, and the way it expanded his ribs. "Lucifer, he attacked our brother. Tore into him- they both tried to destroy each other. I had to end this all there, banish Lucifer from these lands and my presence. I have heard from no one since." Paw found a tiny pebble, swiped it into the undergrowth before them. "I am afraid this is all my fault, brother. My weakness has allowed sin into our holy family. I understand if you choose to cleanse me, or purge me from His light." It was true. By now, through the course of his explanation, he had come to accept it. He was not worthy, at this point. He had conversed with the devil himself, and allowed the serpent to touch and joke with him. Unacceptable. Perhaps Michael had been right to seek his destruction.

"Gabriel" Thoughts "Others"


Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.